Could Yoga Treat Premature Ejaculation?

Men who deal with chronic premature ejaculation will try just about anything to help mitigate the effects of this troublesome but common condition. While some treatment options are cutting edge and occasionally outlandish, others go back to the roots of medicine.

Yoga is an ancient practice that is a combination of spirituality and holistic medicine. Yoga poses and routines have been used to successfully treat a host of problems, including chronic pain, migraines and even depression. Today, many men are turning to this practice as a way to prevent and treat premature ejaculation and other forms of sexual dysfunction.

Yoga and Premature EjaculationOne of the biggest ways yoga helps to prevent early ejaculation is through its powers of stress reduction. Stress and anxiety are commonly cited as the most common triggers for premature ejaculation. As a result, any practice that reduces these levels will have a beneficial impact on a man’s sexual performance. For men who struggle with their stress and anxiety levels, the stretching and breathing practices of yoga offer true relief without the side effects of pharmaceuticals.

Yoga is also connected to an improvement with the cardiovascular system because of the deep breathing it requires. People who practice yoga regularly report they have lower blood pressure and better respiratory health once they’ve been practising even just a few weeks. Lowering blood pressure improves circulation throughout the body. As most people know, circulation is part of the foundation for any erectile health. Better circulation and respiration can also boost stamina even beyond treating premature ejaculation. Men who practice yoga over a long period of time have reported that it increased their overall stamina to an impressive degree.

There are plenty of books and videos for yoga beginners. Men who aren’t as flexible as they once were should begin slowly, with basic poses and movements before moving on to anything more complex. As with any form of serious exercise, it’s recommended that you discuss your plans with your doctor before you begin. Not only will this give you a chance to discuss the physical demands of increased exercise, you can also discuss problems with sexual performance. In most cases, doctors are able to offer even more help to curbing early ejaculation even without resorting to pharmaceuticals.

Your general care physician can refer to you physical therapists who can show you specific exercises to improve your range of motion and flexibility as you begin yoga. These experts may also be skilled in massage which can be helpful for men who experience premature ejaculation after an injury. Doctors can also have you tested for testosterone depletion. Lowered levels of this vital hormone are a normal part of ageing, but levels that become too low can begin to affect your libido and sexual performance. This is easily remedied by hormone supplement therapy which can be done through your doctor’s office or through specialised men’s health clinics which can be found in most major cities.

By combining yoga practice with the support of your medical team, you can set yourself up for success when it comes to treating early ejaculation. Combined, these approaches can treat a current case and, over time, yoga and the positive lifestyle changes you learn through your doctors can help manage the condition and prevent future episodes. This dual pronged approach also sets you up to be able to detect problems at the earliest moment. That gives you the opportunity to nip it in the bud and prevent a single episode from triggers a chronic cycle.

Yoga has been associated with improved sexual performance for years. There are several poses designed with this goal specifically in mind. Beginning with mastering basic poses, men can learn how to use different stretching and breathing techniques to improve their overall health and their sex life as well.