Could Success Lead to Premature Ejaculation?

When most people think of sexual performance issues like premature ejaculation, you don’t normally associate it with times of success. But the truth is that experiencing success through promotions at work, finding a good relationship or even moving up socially or economically can trigger this common problem.

Stress and anxiety are two of the most common triggers for premature ejaculation. Many times, this stress or anxiety is associated with problems at work or issues that exist between a man and his wife or girlfriend. While this is the more common scenario, any source of stress can be an issue.

SuccessPromotions at work, getting engaged and moving to a new house are all seen as positive, happy milestones people experience through their life. While these are certainly reasons to celebrate, they also come with plenty of stress and more than a little anxiety.

When it comes to getting a promotion, the causes of stress of feelings of anxiety are pretty easy to identify. New responsibilities, different colleagues and a whole new environment means a lot of men feel a bit out of their element for a while. For men prone to experiencing sexual performance problems, this can easily trigger an episode of erectile dysfunction or early ejaculation. In order to lessen the impact these situations can have, it’s important to be as prepared as possible. Work with your fellow colleagues, supervisors and anyone you manage to create an open channel of communication. Be open to constructive criticism and feedback, especially during your first few days and weeks. If you begin to feel overwhelmed or as if you’re not meeting certain benchmarks, speak candidly with your own supervisor. If there is a problem, you’ll be able to identify and fix it and if there’s not you can have your mind put at ease.

Getting engaged and planning a wedding is another happy but high stress situation. Planning a wedding requires a lot of attention to detail and coordination between yourself, your fiance and the other people in the wedding. Add to that the stress of paying for it and dealing with the emotions and arguments inevitable with planning an event that large and it’s a recipe for stress and anxiety. Help make it a true day to remember by keeping organised, making time for fun and recreation with your fiance and outsourcing as much as you can. A wedding planner seems like a big expense, until you realise all the stress and anxiety the can save you in the long run.

Moving house is one of the most stressful events you can have happen in your life. Moving from one place to another is often seen as a chance for a fresh start, but there’s plenty of stress to go along with it. Again, finances play a huge role since moving is, in and of itself, a fairly expensive process. Help nip it in the bud by staying organised and using time wisely. Pack a little each day or week and call on help from your friends as well as family members. Delegate rooms to specific people and, if your budget allows, hire movers to help with the heavy lifting. This is another situation where hiring help may seem expensive but when you compare it to what you save in time and energy it’s a true value.

These simple tips can help men who deal with chronic premature ejaculation from triggering an episode when they should be celebrating their success. Not only can it help to keep your sex life humming along nicely, taking steps to reduce the stress and anxiety associated with these happy events will also help ensure each one is a happy memory.