The Weird (and Dangerous) New Cosmetic Surgery Trend You Should Know About

For most men, the thought of having surgery on their penis is a frightening one. Nevertheless, there are many men who go under the knife each year, mostly in an effort to enlarge their penis size. But there’s a growing number of men who have started undergoing surgery in order to enhance and change the shape of their penis, a type of body modification that many men are also considering as a way to enhance their performance.

DangerPenile beading, also referred to as pearling, is a form of body modification where small steel balls are inserted under the skin of the penis. This results in what appears to be a strand of pearl (hence the name) laying just beneath the surface. The practice finds its roots in Asian culture, specifically with the Yakuza of Japan. This organized crime syndicate is well known for their love of body modification as a part of many of their rituals and pearling was developed initially to show how many years a Yakuza spent behind bars. Each pearl he had inserted represented one hear he had spent in jail and, in many cases, the more pearls a man had, the more respect he had.

While its historical ties may be to organized crime in the east, pearling has become increasingly popular with people from all walks of life in the west. Body modification enthusiasts were attracted to the practice for its aesthetics and, since then, many of them realize the procedure had a curious side effect. The effect pearling had on the sexual satisfaction of both partners has made it an area of interest for people who otherwise would never have considered it before.

Body Modification or Sexual Enhancement?

When a penis has been pearled, the beads provide a textured feel for women, similar to vibrators or textured condoms which are ribbed or covered in nubs in order to enhance her pleasure. The beads also have the potential to help men suffering with premature ejaculation. Depending on how the pearls are situated, they can help men divert their attention and delay orgasm. While they are not an accepted treatment for premature ejaculation, stories of its efficacy have intrigued the minds of inventors and researchers. Ideas about how this effect could be replicated with enhanced cock rings or partial sleeves have become the foundation of a new era of male enhancement devices.

The risks, however, make penile beading something most men shy away from. Pearling can be done by people with the correct piercing license and there some piercing professionals who specialize in the service. The process, however, is neither quick nor painless. Serious side effects can include nerve damage and problems with urination. Even if all goes well, the healing time can be difficult for many men and once the pearls are inserted, having them taken out is just as painful and carries with it the same risks of infection and potential damage.

Penile beading has increased in popularity over the past several years thanks to the effects it can have on a man’s sexual performance. In addition to enhancing the pleasure of their partners, the beads can also help to prevent premature ejaculation. While this has made pearling an appealing option for some men, it’s important to consider the risks and long-term effects. What it does offer, however, is a new insight into ways premature ejaculation may be able to be treated in the future.