Premature Ejaculation – Do Natural Methods Really Work?

For men who have to deal with chronic premature ejaculation, looking for cures can become a pretty major pastime. It can also become pretty discouraging. Let’s face it – there are a lot of companies who are only too happy to scam men out of their hard earned money. That’s because men get desperate for help when it comes to sexual performance problems.

When you start having problems with sex, it can be a very isolating experience. It isn’t the kind of problem you can easily discuss with even your closest friends and it definitely isn’t something you’re likely to share on social media as a way to find advice. As a result, many men feel adrift and alone even when they are dealing with common issues such as erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation.

Natural Methods for Premature EjaculationAs men work their way through creams, devices and supplements that promise to help, they often find themselves exploring all natural options more seriously. The honest truth about many sexual performance problems is that they are often the result of how healthy a man’s overall lifestyle is. A man with a diet high in processed foods, a guy who never leaves the house or even a man with more stress than he knows what to do with will all have a variety of ailments related to their lifestyle. Sexual dysfunction is more than likely just one of several issues or conditions a man may notice. Others include shortness of breath, a lowered sex drive, chronic fatigue or sleeping problems.

Many all natural approaches to treating and managing premature ejaculation in the long term focus on these common triggers and contributing factors. Special ‘detox’ diets, exercise routines and even supplement plans are often just reworkings of old school common sense advice when it comes to personal health care.

Specific diets that men can download often have a focus on either being plant based or high in protein. Some do try to combine the two with the majority of a man’s weekly food coming from plant derived sources and daily doses of high protein meals featuring lean meats. These approaches focus on whole foods and either cut back or completely eliminate caffeine, sugar and processed foods. They often also limit alcohol and even healthy fats. These diets can be very restricting at first but they have become increasingly popular as more and more men realise they do deliver results if you can stick with them. The trick, of course, is that you need to be pretty disciplined to stick to stick with a diet like this if it is a big change from what you are used to. For some guys, the thought of a month without beer nights, nacho platters or pizza is simply too much to ask – even when their sexual well-being and happiness are at stake.

Healthy manExercise routines use the same basic approach and yield the same results. The routines focus on moves and repetitions that improve cardiovascular health and flexibility. The routines often use a blend of yoga moves and techniques along with strength and core training exercises. Again, these routines are designed to work when practised over time. For men who have developed a sedentary lifestyle, prescribing exercise five times a week can be too big a change to handle at first.

Finally, there are natural supplements which use a combination of various herbs and vitamins which support overall health and deliver plenty of energy. These supplements usually come with extra advice on areas like – you guessed it – diet and exercise which are meant to boost the efficacy of the pills. It’s not that the pill don’t work – they simply can’t work on their own.  A well balanced and robust supplement really can support a healthier lifestyle that results in the reduction of sexual performance problems – but it can’t work in a vacuum.

At the end of the day, natural treatments for premature ejaculation can be effective. The problem is they often require a fair amount of dedication and effort on the part of men. While guys are often happy to put in the work, few pause to think about which approach will serve them best. Some men are more comfortable beginning with a change of diet while others prefer to hit the gym and then re-examine their diet. By taking a step back to determine which course is more likely to mesh with their lives, men can – and do – find natural options to improve their sexual performance.