Premature Ejaculation and Positive Thought

Premature ejaculation is a common problem. It can strike at any time and the fear of it can make things even worse. There’s a way out, though, and it doesn’t just come in the form of premature ejaculation pills. Instead, there are ways to alter the mind and change the sufferer’s train of thought. Do this and the problem can be lessened. It’s not really something that a doctor can prescribe, so in this case the doctor should be only visited to see if there aren’t any underlying problems.

Knowledge is Power

Knowledge is PowerKnowledge truly is power when it comes to premature ejaculation. There’s no better self-treatment than thoughts. In order to become aroused it’s practically all in the mind. Hormones can be ignited and the man’s mind can be focused entirely on sex just from their thoughts. If their thoughts are pointed against sex, such as if it makes them feel revolted, then this isn’t going to be possible. Now, that’s not healthy at all, because sex is something that’s very healthy and needs to be done to eliminate waste products from the body.

Instead, the mind has to be turned away from thoughts of sex at the correct time. These feelings of revulsion shouldn’t be a permanent thing, but they should be brought in at the necessary time. Despite the fact that the body is in control of ejaculation, it can be overwritten by certain thoughts and feelings.

Why is it Happening?

Firstly, it’s necessary to find out why premature ejaculation is happening in the first place. It’s not necessarily something to do with symptoms, sometimes it can be behavior or it’s just all in the mind.

Start with the actual symptoms. Some people do have things that are medically wrong with them. They may be genetic, however most of the time they are caused by external short term factors like stress. In situations like this serious lifestyle changes, or even genuine premature ejaculation treatments, are needed in order to cure the problem. A visit to the doctor to find the best course of action is recommended in this situation.

Other people are having problems due to their own minds, though. Take the following common scenario.

Worried CoupleA male is about to have sex with a new partner. It’s been a while since he last had sex due to the breaking up of his last relationship. He’s going to be feeling anxious because he keeps thinking about his last sexual encounter. Rather than getting into the mood and just going with the flow he’s obsessed with impressing his new partner. This is going to make anybody anxious. Since he wants to pleasure her he goes in with all guns blazing. Unfortunately, he ends up finishing quite quickly and it leaves his partner feeling unsatisfied. It could even lead to the end of the relationship there and then as partners do, sometimes, get the wrong impression when things like this happen.

It’s imperative that the above way of thinking is changed. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to impress a partner, in fact there would be something improper if this wasn’t the case. But it’s important to use pace. When that climax appears on the horizon the man has to change his behavior without radically changing the atmosphere. It sounds like something that can’t be done, but it can.

The Solution

Use the mind. Various sexual thoughts are going to be flying around during sex. Turn it down by changing those thoughts. Think about something that’s not sexual at all. People may think that it can impact their erection, but it won’t. It’s merely using a short term thought change to alleviate the intensity. Hopefully, it will be enough to prevent ejaculation.

The partner also has to play a part in the success of this method. If ejaculation is about to kick in then they also have to reduce the intensity. It doesn’t mean that the whole process has to stop; it just means that something has to change. Everybody knows that there are intense actions and actions that are not so forceful. Opt for the softer actions, such as cuddling, and chill out for a few minutes before rushing back in again.