If You Do, Or If You Don’t: Solutions to Early Ejaculation

When it goes well, sexual intercourse is one of the healthiest and most enjoyable enterprises for a couple. It helps the couple bond emotionally, creates shared memories and experiences, and can be good for the heart and circulation. But when it doesn’t go well, not only does it not accomplish these things, it can actually be counter-productive to them. When there are problems with intercourse, a couple can grow more distant, and develop hurts and emotional calluses that are difficult to overcome.

Early Ejaculation SolutionsEarly ejaculation is one of the most significant problems a couple can face in the bedroom. It can create a complete lack of pleasure for the woman, making her feel as if she is not attractive or as if she is boring to the man. It can also make the man feel inadequate or even unmanly, and be very embarrassing for both parties. When you are suffering from this condition, it can be hard to know what to do. One instinct is to just keep trying to have sex. Surely, you may think, if I just try more frequently I will develop more stamina. This may be true, but it may take a very long time to increase the stamina significantly to the point where you can last long enough to satisfy a partner. So it can be a very frustrating time, and many partners find it difficult to want to continue trying if the experience is consistently unsatisfactory. Conversely, you may be so embarrassed about the occurrence that you find it hard to want to try again at all.

Either way, if you do decide to have more sex or if you don’t, if you are suffering from premature ejaculation, the experience can drive a wedge between you and your partner. That is why many men turn to supplements when there is a recurring problem in their stamina.

The first problem many men have to overcome is their embarrassment. The male ego tends to make men want to be a fixer, a problem-solver, and a do-it-yourself kind of guy. When premature ejaculation occurs, however, it flies in the face of all of these instincts. It creates a problem that is very difficult, if it is even possible at all, to fix by oneself. Men are not often given to admitting faults or weaknesses, and sexual stamina issues certainly feel like faults or failures. But it is important to realize that they are not. Early ejaculation is also not a unique situation, although when you are in the loneliness of it, it certainly seems like it is.  As many as one out of every seven men face, so there are literally tens of millions of Americans that face the same problem every day. Because this condition is not one’s own fault, and because it is extremely common, men can feel comfortable asking for help. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness: in fact it is quite the opposite. Knowing when a problem can be solved alone and when it is too big to tackle oneself is a sign of intelligence and courage, both of which are strengths. Premature ejaculation is a problem that is too big to handle alone. Men need to be willing to talk to a doctor or a community of men suffering from the same problem in order to find a solution that will address the issue. Embarrassment, although perfectly natural, must be conquered in order for men to open up to someone about the problem.

There are literally hundreds of potential solutions for early ejaculation. Depending on your life situation, any number of them or combination of them may be appropriate. Sometimes just a simple lifestyle change can help: getting more exercise, eating a bit healthier, or reducing your load at work to lessen stress. Diet, exercise, and stress are all significant factors in sexual performance, and a doctor would be able to tell if those were applicable in a man’s life. Sometimes, however, there is a more significant underlying problem like circulation issues, nerve cell issues, or heart problems. Again, talking to a doctor is extraordinarily important because only a medical professional can tell you if your stamina issues are a symptom of a larger problem.

Finally, make sure to talk to your partner about the situation. It may be difficult, but if you don’t, your partner may assume that you are either unaware or unconcerned about the problem. Keeping them in the dark, though it may seem to be protecting your interests, is only going to exacerbate the issue and make intimacy very difficult. Let them know that you are aware of the problem and are seeking help to get a resolution. They may have some input into your life or performance that will help you decide on a solution. Once you do decide, and especially if you choose to use a pill or an herbal supplement, make sure to get their feedback on the results. Keeping your partner involved at every step of the way will help promote intimacy in the bedroom, and will enable them to be supportive of every decision you make.