Five Ways You’re Ruining Your Sex Life

Men and women have one thing in common – they both want to know how they can improve their sex life. While everyone is happy to read articles on supplements, diets and exercises that can make their sex life even more explosive, very few realize how often they themselves are responsible for putting a damper on their sex life. In fact there are some things men do that can put their sex life in jeopardy. From ignoring basic grooming etiquette to not tackling problems like premature ejaculation as they happen, there are five key things men typically do that can torpedo their chances in bed. The first trick to overcoming them is realizing what they are.

Thinking Grooming is Only For the Ladies

Ungroomed menShaving, plucking, tweezing and trimming is often seen as ‘Woman’s Work’ but that attitude could be the reason why your sex life isn’t as hot as you’d like. But just like the old saying goes, ‘The clothes make the man” the same is true for what’s under those clothes. That doesn’t mean you have to start booking in for day long spa treatments, but keeping yourself groomed up top and down below is a good idea. Although body hair styles and preferences vary from person to person, it’s a good idea to at least keep things trimmed and looking good. Best of all, grooming the man garden has a way of giving your penis a few more inches – visually at least.

Insisting on Taking the Driver’s Seat

It’s common for men to take the lead when it comes to initiating sex. If you’re used to taking the lead when it comes to sex, see what happens when you let someone else take over. Although women can sometimes be a bit more shy about initiating sex, let her know you’re receptive and that you want her to take control – even if only for one night. A bit of a role reversal can spark both of your imaginations and can lead to some truly spectacular fireworks between the sheets.

Living Like You’re Still in High School

If you’re idea of weekend plans still involves having pizza delivered while you and your friends battle it out on your video game console, you could be doing some serious damage. A weekend spent chugging beer, eating pizza and staying glued to the couch is a recipe for obesity, muscle loss, high blood pressure and even sexual performance issues. Impotence and premature ejaculation have both been linked to lack of exercise and a poor diet. Ruining Your Sex LifeWhile the occasional indulgent weekend isn’t anything to worry about, if it’s a regular habit it’s time to rethink it. Getting off the couch and out into the world can help with depression, weight management, strength building and, yes, your sex life too. Besides, no woman wants to sit around waiting for her boyfriend to pay more attention to Call of Duty than he does to her.

Getting a Bit TOO Comfortable

Everyone wants a relationship where they can truly be themselves, but make sure you’re not being your worst self. As time goes on, each person in a relationship may let some things start to slide. Maybe your girlfriend won’t feel compelled to do her hair and makeup every time you meet up. Maybe you won’t bother finding a clean t-shirt for every walk in the park or afternoon at the movies. But even if you’ve been together for years, make sure that you still do your best to look your best when you go out and, once in a while, really go all out. Take her out to a nice restaurant, surprise her with concert tickets or show up with a takeout lunch from your favorite food cart. Getting too comfortable can lead to taking each other for granted. Keep the spark in your relationship and it’ll stay alive in your bedroom as well.

Ignoring Your Sexual Health

No matter what you do, there will be times when your sexual performance needs a boost. Even if you usually stick to a healthy diet and regular exercise, performance issues like premature ejaculation can come out, seemingly out of nowhere. Although these issues can be difficult to deal with, the sooner you address the problem, the greater your chances of conquering it.