How Much Your Sex Life Affects the Rest of Your Life

Having a happy life means keeping all aspects of your life balanced, in harmony and healthy. This applies to your relationships with friends and family, your work habits, your personal hobbies and interests and, of course, your intimate relationships and overall sex life. Any one of these areas can greatly impact your life in general but your sex life can affect more than you might think. Problems in the bedroom can lead to problems not only in the boardroom but also with your physical health, mental state and general well being.

Sex and Work

Your Sex LifeThe relationships between the bedroom and the boardroom is nothing new. In fact, people have been talking about it, speculating about it and trying to do something about it throughout modern history. An active, healthy and rewarding sex life can make you more confident, more even tempered and more likely to engage with other people on a personal level. All of these attributes equate to a better working life and can even lead to a promotion, finding the solution to a project or problem or simply just finding your own work more rewarding.

Sex and Your Health

Sex is a great aerobic exercise and a study in Scotland found that people who engaged in regular sex had lower blood pressure and were better able to handle stressful situations than those who did not have regular sex or who abstained completely. Having sex twice a week has also been connected with higher levels of the antibody immunoglobulin A, or IgA. This antibody helps to prevent people from getting common infections such as colds. Imagine avoiding that dreaded winter cold bug just by jumping between the sheets once or twice a week. Your heart can benefit from a romp in bed as well. British researchers spent 20 years following the sex life of men and found that subjects who had sex at least twice a week were only half as likely to have a fatal heart attack. From you immune system to your heart – sex can offer a host of healthy benefits in addition to its amazing aerobic routine which can burn 85 calories or more in just one half hour session.

Sex and the Brain

It’s no secret that sex is more than just a physical activity. It engages us physically, mentally and emotionally making it a complex activity with far reach effects. A healthy and rewarding sex life can boost your self esteem. You don’t even need to be having sex on a regular basis to feel these benefits as just one sexual encounter can boost your self image and make you more confident for several days after the fact. Having sex and achieving orgasms also boosts the body’s levels of oxytocin, a hormone connected to everything from pain management to emotions and is sometimes called the ‘love hormone’. This increase of oxytocin often results in a deeper level of intimacy and is the hormone partly responsible for that first flush of love people feel once they become intimate with their partner for the first time. Regular sex and better orgasms can also result in a better, more restful sleep. The combination of oxytocin and the physical exertion of sex leaves partners feeling more satisfied, less stressful and more able to get to sleep, stay asleep and stay longer in the refreshing REM period of sleep.

Keeping Things in Harmony

A big part of getting all the benefits of sex is ensuring that you remain sexually healthy. For some men this may mean addressing occasional problems with premature ejaculation. Although normally brought on by nothing more than stress, early ejaculation can be treated with a variety of pills, exercises, ointments and other treatment options. Premature ejaculation is one of the most common sexual problems men face and is surprisingly common. Addressing the problem head on and dealing with it before it begins to affect you emotionally will ensure the most successful result in terms of treatment and you’ll be back to reaping the benefits of a healthy sex life in no time.

A healthy sex life can mean a healthier physical life as well. Sex enhances the mood, lowers blood pressure and generally improves your overall health.