The Five Causes in Your House That Could Be Causing Early Ejaculation

If you’re having problems with sexual performance, chances are you have been wracking your brain to understand why it started happening and how you can work around the problems. Or maybe you can’t imagine what is kicking it off – especially if your life seems to be moving along really well. The fact of the matter is, issues like erectile health and early ejaculation can be triggered by a host of things – many of which could easily be hiding in plain sight.

If you look around your house, chances are good you’ll find at least one of these potential triggers. That doesn’t mean each of these is a problem, necessarily, but they are worth looking at a bit more closely. By examining each of these potential problems and how they affect your life, you’ll be able to determine if they could be causing your early ejaculation or if you should be directing your attention and energy elsewhere.

1. Your Pantry and Refrigerator

PantryGuys who have had to deal with premature or early ejaculation in the past know that the food you eat directly impacts how you perform in the bedroom. Check out your pantry, cupboards and fridge for processed foods high in fat, sugar, salt or a combination of all three. Keep in mind that frozen dinners and various snacks might market themselves as being healthy, but a quick look at the nutritional information and ingredients tells a different story. Stick to fresh, raw fruits and vegetables as much as possible and complement them with whole grain breads and pasta and lean meats. Cleaning up your diet may not be an easy change to make, but it is one of the most effective.

2. Your Couch

Take a quick look at the cushions of your couch. Do you have your own dent or groove that shows which seat you favour? If so, that means you’re spending way too much time sitting down. Get up and off the couch and get moving. Even if it’s using a stationery bike or doing some stretching and floor aerobics while you indulge your binge watching habits. Simply moving around more often will improve circulation, a building block of sexual health and performance.

3. Your Computer

ComputerDo you spend a lot of time working on your computer at home? Cramming in extra work time may help with your career, but it isn’t doing your sex life any favours. Take the steps you need to carve out time for yourself at home that doesn’t include doing tasks for work. This can be a challenge for some men, but when you’re dealing with early ejaculation, stress from work that bleeds into your home life will also impact your sex life.

4. Your Smartphone

Don’t worry – we’re not about to tell you to get rid of your phone. But you should think twice before you start using it once you’re in bed. Staring at that little screen can disrupt your natural sleep patterns, making it more difficult for you to get the deep, refreshing sleep you need to fully recharge your body and mind each night. Carrying a sleep deficit leads to many problems and can exacerbate others, including performance issues.

5. Your Spouse or Significant Other

SpouseYour relationships are affected by sexual problems, but they can also contribute to them. Tension and unresolved issues in your relationship affect your mental and physical health. These kinds of things add both stress and anxiety to each partner and for men with a history of early ejaculation, which can mean they trigger a new episode. Take an open approach to discussing issues with your partner now so that you can resolve them before they snowball into a much bigger problem.