The Canary in The Coal Mine – Is Premature Ejaculation a Warning Sign for Bigger Problems?

Quite often health scares don’t come out of nowhere, even though sometimes it may seem that way. More often than not, your body gives you several warning signs or red flags that something might be going wrong. Sometimes a red flag means nothing but other times it can be a signal that it is worth taking a closer look at your overall health. For many men, the first sign that something more serious is developing is when they have problems with sexual performance, including erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.

Warning SignA man’s sexual health and performance levels depend on two important systems within the body. First is a man’s pulmonary system, or his breathing quality and power. Lung capacity and a man’s ability to breathe freely affects him in several different ways, in and out of the bedroom. Your pulmonary system is what delivers oxygen to your entire body and oxygen is, as we all know, an important building block for healthy muscles, tissues and cells in general. Men who have a hard time breathing properly will see a decline in libido, stamina and performance overall.

Secondly, a man’s cardiovascular system is directly related to his erectile health and ability to perform as he – and his partner – would like. Cardiovascular health revolves around blood flow and circulation to every part of the body – including a man’s penis. If his circulation is compromised he will absolutely find himself beginning to struggle with his ability to achieve and maintain an erection as well as experiencing either delayed or premature ejaculation.

One a man notices he is struggling with sexual performance problems on a regular basis, he may wonder if it is something he needs to seek help for right away or if it is something he can resolve on his own. Luckily, the answer here is that all natural treatment methods can often resolve the performance issue while addressing the underlying cause at the same time.

The most common approaches medical professionals suggest are changes to a man’s diet, exercise routine and how he manages stress and anxiety. By cleaning up his diet, hitting the gym more often and engaging in positive stress management techniques, many men find their overall health is improved in conjunction with a marked improvement in their sexual performance levels. As an added bonus, many men also report enjoying sex more since as a part of this process. This added benefit often works as a great source of motivation for men to stick with their healthier habits, even if they were difficult to adopt at first.

But this doesn’t mean men should avoid speaking to their doctor or other health professional when these kinds of chronic issues crop up. This is especially true for men who have a history of chronic premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction or known underlying conditions. Checking in with your primary care doctor before you begin any major lifestyle changes will give you the opportunity to develop a plan for health that won’t interfere with or exacerbate any previous conditions as well as giving men the chance to make the most out of newer treatments which may be available under your doctor’s supervision. In many cases, these treatments can address the immediate issue of erectile health or premature ejaculation while men implement the long term healthy changes that will resolve the issue more permanently.

Sexual performance issues can definitely be a warning sign that a larger problem may be developing. That’s not to say every instance of premature ejaculation should have you running to the doctor, but it should make you more aware of your overall health and turning a keen eye to how you can improve your lifestyle to ensure you remain healthy and happy inside the bedroom.