Early Ejaculation – Seven Simple Tips for Treatment

Most guys who experience early ejaculation want to find a treatment that works as quickly as possible. Some men begin to treat the condition the moment it appears while others

put it off – usually assuming the condition will resolve on its own. But this is rarely the case. The fact of the matter is that early or premature ejaculation may be common, but that doesn’t mean it is 7-Tipsnormal. So once you’re ready to deal with it, you may be at a loss as to where you should begin. In order to help, we have brought together seven simple steps men can begin taking NOW in order to begin their treatment off right.

Don’t Stress About the Root Cause … Yet

Identifying the root cause is one of the most common pieces of advice men find when they begin searching for help. It’s true that finding the root cause for early ejaculation is a great way to treat the condition, but it is often much easier said than done. Premature ejaculation can be caused by just about anything and it is often triggered by more than one thing at once. When men read that they need to find the underlying cause before they can begin treatment, they think that means they are helpless to do anything until they unravel the complicated strands that create the condition. This can actually create more stress and anxiety which feeds back into the cycle of dysfunction and can ultimately make the problem worse.

Identify the Symptoms

Instead of trying to unravel the whole mystery at once, focus instead on your actual symptoms. Do you experience the problem when masturbating? Do you climax too quickly every time you have sex? Has the time you are able to last changed much over the past few weeks or months? List the details so you can get a clear picture of what you are dealing with.

Name and Label Potential Triggers

Don’t be vague with entries like ‘stress’ or ‘anxiety’. That really won’t get you anywhere. Instead focus on specific issues that could have triggered it at first and which may be re-triggering the condition now. Don’t worry if the reasons or potential triggers sound weak. Citing an issue like a fight with your wife or girlfriend is an obvious choice but don’t overlook even small disappointments or worries like not getting a promotion at work or even a favorite sports team losing streak. The fact is, early ejaculation can be triggered by just about anything.

Be Realistic About Treatment Options

These days, men have all sorts of treatment options available. Some offer near immediate results while others require a pretty hefty investment of time and energy. Be realistic about what you are able to do now and what you are willing to do going forward. Opt for the treatments you can follow through with now and reserve others to introduce later as and when you need them.

Talk to You Partner

If you have a wife, girlfriend or regular sex partner, talk to them about what is going on and hat you are trying to accomplish. Even if you haven’t discussed the issue before, she already knows. Early ejaculation simply isn’t a condition you can hide or cover up. Engaging in that kind of activity can actually make the problem worse since, once again, you are adding stress and anxiety to the mix. Open up about what has been going on and the ways you are using to approach the issue. Not only will this help lessen your stress load about the problem, you will have an ally when it comes to employing different treatments.

Keep an Open Mind

Speaking of different treatments, be sure to keep an open mind as you explore your options. Keep in mind that some treatments may initially seem weird – or even downright ridiculous – when you first learn about them. But as long as it is safe to try them, why not give it a chance? Keeping an open mind will also help you to remain positive and motivated – two important factors that contribute to overall success.

Watch for Red Flags – And Get Help!

Sometimes problems with sexual performance can affect other areas of a person’s health. This is especially true for men who struggle with or have struggled with depression, social anxiety and other mental health issues. Keep an eye out for any red flags that could signal a resurgence of or the development of depression, feelings of isolation or any other concerns. Reaching out for help early will prevent them from snowballing into anything more serious.