5 DIY Treatments for Premature Ejaculation

As a rule, men aren’t wild about going to the doctor for problems they think they can handle on their own. There’s nothing wrong with trying some Do-It-Yourself options when it comes to low grade medical issues but it’s important to be safe. While these five DIY options for premature ejaculation have been seen as safe and effective for generations, it’s important to speak with your doctor, pharmacist or other trusted medical advisor if you have any underlying health concerns or if you are on prescription medications.

Evaluate Your Diet

DietThere are a number of different causes for premature ejaculation and overall diet plays a huge role. As we’ve become more used to quick meals out and frozen options we can just heat and eat that means our diet has seen an influx of fat, salt and sugar – all of which can adversely affect circulation. Healthy circulation is, of course, a crucial component of male sexual health as erections and penile sensitivity are directly linked to the circulatory system.

Spend a few days writing down absolutely everything you eat without changing any habits. Then look back and critically evaluate just how healthy your choices are. Are there a lot of entries that include dairy, red meat and processed foods? If so, it’s time to kick start a new way of eating. Commit to a single week of clean, primarily plant-based food and see how you feel.

Revamp Your Fitness Routine

How often you move also plays a role in your overall health and circulatory system. Ideally, people should work out, get active and generally break a sweat for at least 30 minutes a day. That could mean developing a set gym routine, engaging in some outdoor sports or even just tackling large scale projects in the house or yard. Whatever it takes to get you motivated, off the couch and moving around get on with it!

Get Outside

Get OutsideGetting outside to work in the yard, be active or just take a walk around the block has a number of health benefits. The sun promotes the natural production of Vitamin D within the body which helps to alleviate depression and anxiety and being active outside lets you get some actual fresh air. While working out or being active indoors is always a good idea, make sure you’re getting plenty of time outside and away from the confines of your house. Chances are you’ll be surprised at the difference it makes.

Deal With Your Issues

The anxiety and stress caused by relationship issues or problems at work can easily bleed into the bedroom. Dealing with these issues head on is a bit daunting and that’s why so many people avoid doing it altogether. But that approach never works and instead it creates increased levels of stress within the body which, in turn, can lead to a host of problems in and out of the bedroom. Whatever the issue you have, hunker down and deal with it, even if that means changing jobs or altering your relationship with you partner, family or friends. Of course it can be hard at first but the long term gains will be well worth the effort.

Dump That Stress

StressStress is the number one cause of premature ejaculation and finding ways to lower those levels is critical. As we discussed above, tackling any underlying cause of stress is important and so is lowering those levels more immediately. Effective stress busting techniques include meditation, physical activity, breathing deeply and even listening to music.

If you try these options and still see no improvements in terms of sexual performance, it’s time to consult with the professionals. Tell them about what you’ve tried and the efforts you’ve already made so they can work with you to devise a treatment plan that will be effective and safe for your situation.