What’s Killing Your Sex Drive?

Finding ways to boost your sex drive is great, but identifying the underlying cause is your best bet in finding the most effective treatment. By finding and identifying the likely culprit you’ll be able to nip problems in the bud and, chances are, improve you all around health as well. Many times, a lowered sex drive is a symptom of a larger problem. More often than not, it has to What's Killing Your Sex Drive?do with adopting healthier approaches such as improving diet or getting more exercise. Making these changes can amp up your sex drive and help to manage other, more serious conditions.

Not Enough Sleep

Getting your full 8 hours at night does more than qualify as ‘beauty sleep’. Lack of sleep can have a number of effects on your body, from making your brain more sluggish and slow to respond to making you generally lethargic, easily confused and a lot less interested in sex. The solution for this one is simple, but sometimes difficult to put into practice: Get More Sleep! Setting aside time before you hit the sack to relax and unwind may help you get better rest. Avoid the television and put your phone away – electronic distractions make it harder for your brain to ‘turn off’.

Your Diet

If you’re a staunch Meat and Potatoes type of guy, it may be time to revise your way of eating. Diets rich in red meat, fried foods, starchy carbohydrates and processed foods can lead to a host of medical problems and sexual performance issues. A poor diet can be linked to premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction and, of course, a lowered sex drive. Swap out those burgers for healthier options and be sure you’re getting all those servings of fruit and vegetables each day. Adopting a generally more plant based diet is one of the cornerstones for improving your overall health as well as maintaining a healthy weight.

Get Off the Couch

It’s time to curb your TV habit and cut down on your time on the X-Box in favor of physical activity. If you’re like most guys, chances are you have a job that chains you to a desk or otherwise keeps you pretty sedentary during the day. Coming home and flopping in front of the TV or powering up your computer to play video games means that on the average day, you’re not actually moving a whole heck of a lot. Make the most of your DVR and record the shows you really can’t live without and then get outside! Physical activity outdoors is truly one of the most powerful things you can do to help with your sex drive. The physical activity gets you fit, limber and helps with stamina and strength. Being outdoors means your body is producing insane amounts of Vitamin D, a natural mood enhancer. If you can’t get outside, at least hook up your video game console with one of the popular activity games such as ones where you have to dance or take on boxing training. The important thing is to simply Keep Moving!

Check Your Prescriptions

The cause of your sexual performance issues could be a medication you’re taking for something else. Speak to your doctor about all of the medications, vitamins and natural supplements you’re currently taking to find out if they may be contributing to issues with sexual performance. Include any over the counter treatments you may be using such as topical treatments for thinning hair. A study in 2011 found the drug had some strong links to lowered sex drive and erectile dysfunction for many men.

Get Some Zen

By and far, stress is the biggest culprit when it comes to everything from premature ejaculation to a generally lowered sex drive. The effects of stress reach far beyond the bedroom, though. Stress can also contribute significantly to high blood pressure, mood swings, heart conditions and even chronic pain. If you’re feeling like you need to let off some steam then take some action! Stress busting exercises like boxing, weight training, running, racquetball and rollerblading can all be ideal ways to get fit and get those stress levels down. You can also try yoga, meditation Tai Chi, therapy and just about anything else you want. When it comes to relieving stress, there are no right or wrong approaches – simply make time to do something you genuinely enjoy.