Sudden Premature Ejaculation? Check Your Meds

There are certain things that just come along with being a man and, unfortunately, premature ejaculation is one of them. Almost every man in the world experiences early ejaculation at one point or another during the course of his life and, as a result, plenty of guys just chalk up sporadic episodes to luck of the draw and simply don’t worry about it unless it becomes a Check your medschronic issue. The problem with that is that, as men age, this method become less reliable. A man might experience the problem once or twice and not think about until it’s become a fairly regular occurrence for several months or more. By that time, tracing the issue back to a root cause can become difficult since it can be hard to remember what was changing or causing stress weeks or months previously.

Unravelling the Causes

By and large, most cases of premature ejaculation are caused by stress, physical fitness, overall health or general anxiety. Each of those causes has its own complex set of sub-issues which are unique to every man. That’s the biggest reason why the condition can be so difficult to treat and why long-term treatment options are often combined with measures to deal with the issue more immediately. Going through each issue to explore different options and try different treatments takes time and patience, though any guy who has gone through the process successfully can attest to how worthwhile that time is spent.

Still, there are guys who give everything a try. They clean up their diet, improve their workouts, find ways to release stress more effectively and generally embark on a mission of self-improvement but who still can’t resolve their sexual performance issue once and for all. Ironically, the case with these guys is that often the condition has been brought on by something they did to improve their health.

There are a number of medication and even herbal supplements that have early ejaculation as one of their side effects. Unfortunately, this is overlooked when most guys begin to search for a cause of their premature ejaculation since so many medical professionals are focused on more traditional causes.

Check Your Labels and Online

Most side effects are listed in full as a part of the packaging or information included with your prescriptions. This information can also be found online through the manufacturer’s website, third party health oriented websites or by calling your pharmacist. Another great resource for learning about side effects, including those which are lesser known, is by checking out message boards and public forums on websites that deal with various health issues. These open forums are filled with a mix of medical professionals and everyday users sharing their experiences which makes it the perfect place for learning about how often – and how severe – certain side effects can be.

It’s always important to understand how your medications may affect your health n ways aside from their intended purpose. Side effects are common with almost any type of medication and, for the most part, they are nothing more than a minor annoyance. But when they begin to cause chronic issues such as premature ejaculation, it’s time to re-evaluate your options.

If you suspect your medications may be triggering episodes of premature ejaculation, talk to your doctor about other options for the primary medication as well as the potential for more natural treatments. Speaking to a pharmacist before you consult with your doctor can help you be more informed and even have some options of your own ready to suggest. Speaking to a pharmacist can also alert you to potential side effects which could be brought about as a part of drug interactions. A review of all your medications should be done any time you experience new side effects or when a new drug is prescribed. Checking through your medications and paying attention to when you experience physical reactions can help ensure the medicines you take to improve your health don’t have a negative impact on your sex life.