Quick Methods to Cure Premature Ejaculation

Most men will suffer from some loss of ejaculation control at some point during their lives. It’s just a fact of life, but what separates people is how they deal with the issue. Some people take it extremely hard and end up spiraling into depression and fear of sexual encounters. Other people decide to take the problem and deal with it. Although truly curing premature ejaculation can take months, here are some quick methods to try at home. They are in no way designed to cure the problem permanently; they are there to prevent any premature ejaculation embarrassment in the bedroom.

Learn to Relax

Learn to RelaxMost of the time, this condition is caused by anxiety. Look at it like this. Somebody who is scared of premature ejaculation is going to attempt to pleasure his partner before it can strike. Without realizing, or even by realizing, they will attack with all guns blazing. Yes, they will most likely be able to finish earlier than normal, but they won’t be pleasuring their partner. Naturally, it’s only going to lead to more anxiety and further problems in the future. By learning to relax this horrible scenario can be avoided.

Relaxing is all about both parties participating. The reason why individuals have issues with anxiety in the beginning is because of what they think the other person is thinking. Partners who are open and honest about the situation are going to be doing a bigger service than those who ignore the problem. It’s important to discuss these issues in the open to help prevent anxiety in the future.

Another method to reduce the prevalence of premature ejaculation is to change certain lifestyle aspects. People who live stressful lives and who are always trying to remember their next deadline are going to experience a loss of ejaculation control more often than people who are completely relaxed. Reduce the amount of overtime, go out for a massage, and just learn to relax as it really will do the world of good when it comes to the bedroom.

Pause and Squeeze

Sex experts Masters and Johnson have outlined a method by which this ejaculation condition can be lessened. The technique requires a complete pause of all sexual activity just before the man feels as if he is going to ejaculate. Either he or his partner should take their thumb and two fingers and squeeze the shaft of the penis. This will apply some pressure to the penis and stop the ejaculation from happening.

It can be quite hard to get this technique right in the beginning since most people leave it too late. It has to be before the ejaculation not when it’s already been initiated or it will just mean that pressure builds up. The erection will still be lost and that sexual session will still be over. Through constant practice this can be useful for putting the problem under complete control. It doesn’t cure it or reduce its impact, but it prevents any embarrassment caused by it.

PC Muscles

The pubococcygeal muscles need to be strengthened in an attempt to hold ejaculation back. These muscles are the same muscles used to hold back urine when there’s no bathroom in sight. It’s easy to contract them at any time of day, so do so. These are known as Kegel exercises and can tone these muscles to help control ejaculation.

Even if the condition isn’t serious, these exercises are strongly recommended as they can provide an improved blood supply to the penis, which leads to a firmer erection. It’s a completely natural way of sexual enhancement, and it will only grow more beneficial as the muscles begin to grow in strength.

Solving the Problem Permanently

Solving the problem has to come through medical products prescribed by doctors or sold by certified supplier of medical products. There are products available on the market to solve the problem; it’s just a matter of finding them. A visit to the doctor’s is recommended because they will be able to spot the specific problem. Never assume this condition isn’t masking a more sinister problem. There are probably no other issues, but paying a visit to a health-care professional is always worth it.