Premature Ejaculation Pills: Are They What They Claim To Be?

premature ejaculation pill Backed by clinical studies these pills live up to its claim to control and remedy early ejaculation.

As there are many pills on the market that claim they can help you in your battle against premature ejaculation, one might wonder how they work or even if they work at all. Premature ejaculation pills are a safe and tested option specifically formulated to treat premature ejaculation and improve the sex life of men and their partners.

Wonder Pill?

Using the noun ‘wonder’ to describe a premature ejaculation pill might place onus on a little pill and lead many to believe it is something of a phenomenon. But why can’t a premature ejaculation pill be a wonder pill? Let’s take a closer look…

Love-making, romp, shag – all words relating to sex is portrayed in the movies and porn as an act that requires lengthy periods of penetrative sex that culminate with mind-blowing orgasm. Therefore it is no wonder we sometimes feel inadequate in the sex department.

Nevertheless, there is a condition out there that genuinely affects thousands of men worldwide. Termed as premature ejaculation, this condition is thought to be one of the most common sexual disorders in men. Research suggests that as many as 30% of men sometimes or regularly ejaculate earlier than their partners would like. ‘Earlier than you or your partner would like’ may seem like a very broad statement to explain what premature ejaculation might mean, but it is generally agreed upon by most researchers and sex therapists. Although early ejaculation makes men feel inadequate when it comes to sex – most times, their partners also feel equally affected.

It Is Treatable

Having sexual problems is no joke, and to many people that have problems related to sex these problems often seem insurmountable. Many couples suffer in silence as they would feel awkward to bring up and discuss any sexual problems they have. Fortunately, premature ejaculation is considered as one of the most clear-cut and treatable sexual conditions with a high success rate. There is a belief that the solution to premature ejaculation lies in tuning the sexual response so that sexual stimulation does not speed up the desire to orgasm; rather it is all about controlling sexual response so that it maintains a slow and steady pace for arousal.

Medical experts have also been able to determine this fact: chemicals which are released into the bloodstream by the body during sexual excitement controls when a man ejaculates. In most men, the chemicals are slowly and steadily released. For men predisposed to early ejaculation – these bodily chemicals are rapidly released, which gives the effect of ejaculating sooner than he or his partner would like him to.

All Natural Premature Ejaculation Pills

There are many types of premature ejaculation pills. You can find all natural remedies and supplements that use plant and herb derivatives, or you can find conventional medicine options that can also treat premature ejaculation even though they were initially designed as medicine for other conditions.

Unlike prescription premature ejaculation pills, naturally derived pills contain safe herbal ingredients which have been tested by millions of men over the world and clinically proven to effectively remedy early ejaculation, regulate ejaculation process, help prolong sex, reinforce sex drive and give you control over sexual impulses.

Certain natural ingredients have been found to have an effective mechanism to slow down the release of these bodily chemicals by controlling the hypothalamic sensors in the brain and allowing men to have complete control over ejaculation. These ingredients are 100% natural and consumption does not result in any side effects, nor will it impede any sensation associated with sexual intercourse.

It Works!

Men predisposed to- as well as those affected by premature ejaculation do look upon a premature ejaculation pill as a wonder pill. Aside from the obvious problems associated with premature ejaculation, the pill has helped thousands of men and their partners overcome numerous conditions. Men will notice that they no longer feel anxious about being sexually intimate because they are able to control their ejaculation and satisfy their partner.

With a premature ejaculation pill, there is no loss in sensitivity. In fact, sexual desire is enhanced as the ingredients in the pill enables men to experience longer and harder erections, more semen volume, longer lasting sex and more pleasurable orgasm.