Does Premature Ejaculation Mean You Can’t Have Sex?

When problems crop up with sexual performance, men either pretend like nothing is wrong and do everything they can to maintain their normal sex life or they begin to avoid sex completely. Both of these approaches do nothing to address the issue and they can actually make the problem worse. By avoiding the issue by either pretending it doesn’t exist or avoiding sex, men are setting themselves up for frustration.

Instead, when premature ejaculation strikes, don’t let it become an end to your sexual satisfaction. Instead, use our helpful tips to continue enjoying sex while also addressing the problem. That way, you can still maintain a healthy, active and satisfying sex life while you treat the condition in order to get things back to normal.

How You Can Have Sex When Sexual Dysfunction Strikes

Man in DespairProblems with sexual performance can include erectile dysfunction, a loss of libido or sex drive and premature ejaculation. Of these, premature ejaculation is the most common and, according to some, the most insidious. It robs a man of his self-confidence and his sexual health and happiness. But that doesn’t have to be the case. In fact, when approached in the right way, premature ejaculation can actually be the beginning of a new and healthier chapter in a man’s sex life.

When problems in the bedroom strike, it helps if a man can turn to his partner and ask for her help and support. This does usually mean having a somewhat awkward conversation, but it opens the door to a whole new sex life.

First, tell you partner exactly what you are experiencing. Chances are, your partner already knows some of the issues you are dealing with but she may not know the extent of the situation. Once she is aware of what’s going on, the two of you can work together to find a long-term solution as well as short-term tricks that will allow you to keep your sex life on track.

Short-Term Tricks

In the short term, consider different sexual positions as well as completely different forms of sex. After all, penetrative sex isn’t the only way you can satisfy your partner – or yourself. Oral sex is perhaps the most common alternative to tradition, penetrative sex but don’t underestimate what you can accomplish with your hands or some sex toys. Don’t shy away from expanding your own sexual repertoire, even f it seems awkward and weird at first. The truth is that introducing versatility and fun into the bedroom is a great and effective way to keep your sex life active, interesting and satisfying for both partners.

You can also try options that address the issue of premature ejaculation directly, even if it isn’t seen as a healthy long-term solution. This includes everything from using special numbing creams or condoms to asking your doctor about pharmaceutical help you may qualify for. Again, it is important to involve your partner so that she can offer any help and support.

Long-Term Solutions

Options that can effectively treat sexual dysfunction in the long-term include lifestyle change to your diet, increasing the amount of physical activity you get every day, reducing stress and addressing underlying medical issues which may be triggering or exacerbating the issue. These can take longer to deliver results, but you can begin them while using short-term solutions.
Don’t let a bout of premature ejaculation or other forms of sexual dysfunction let you think your sex life is over. Instead, use it an inspiration to make the changes you need in order to have the sex life you want! Big changes can be difficult at first but, as time goes on, and you see real changes and improvement happening, you’ll feel more empowered and motivated to keep up with it.