Premature Ejaculation – How Do You Know When It’s Time to Call the Doctor

For men, premature ejaculation is pretty much a rite of passage. Every guy experiences the problem at least once and some men are more susceptible than others. Still, most guys

see it as something to be endured – a passing problem that just resolves itself. While this is fine for as long as that holds true, the fact is premature ejaculation can be a sign of a bigger problem at When to call doctorwork. So how can you tell the difference? These four red flags will let you know when it’s time to get serious and take things to the next level.

Healthy Changes Don’t Make a Difference

When men seek out medical help for sexual performance issues, one of the first things their doctor will ask has to do with their overall health. Usually this focuses on a man’s diet, his weight and his level of physical fitness. This means establishing that basic healthy habits are being used. While diets and exercise routines obviously need to be tailored to each person, certain basic rules of health apply to pretty much everyone. Avoiding fast food, for example, is pretty basic advice. Cleaning up your diet to focus on lean meats and plant based foods is the first step to a diet that fuels a body in a healthy way. The same goes with including physical activity as a part of each day. Making these small but positive changes should result in positive changes in other areas of health – including sexual performance. If the positive changes you make don’t have this effect, however, it could mean something bigger needs to be done or that you need to be tested for specific vitamin deficiencies.

The Condition Worsens Even When Other Things Improve

As you make various healthy changes you’ll no doubt see positive results in other areas of your health. Losing weight, boosting energy and even improving your mood are all the result of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. If you’re experiencing positive boosts in other areas of your health but your sexual performance continues to suffer, the issue may be more complex than you initially thought. Reaching out for help from a doctor or psychologist can help you identify what other issues may be the cause and then develop a multi-faceted approach to dealing with the underlying cause while maintaining your new healthier lifestyle.

Additional Performance Issues Develop

When problems multiply, something is feeding them. If you start with premature ejaculation and find that over time erectile dysfunction, lowered libido or other performance issues begin to develop, it’s a good idea to get in touch with a medical professional. It could be as simple as a low level of testosterone – a problem so common that there are now clinics dedicated to treating nothing else. This is often the best first-stop for men who are experience performance problems while being otherwise healthy. These clinics are staffed by professionals focused on sexual health, which means treatments are focused, resulting in quicker results.

It Starts to Affect Other Areas of Your Life

Sad CoupleAt the end of the day, if concerns about premature ejaculation are leading to problems in any other area of your life, it’s worth getting professional help. Problems with sex can often snowball into major issues with anxiety, depression and even problems maintaining a relationship. When the issue begins to be a problem outside of the bedroom, it’s worth talking to a professional about it. This could be anyone from a general care doctor to a therapist or support group – whatever feels right for how it’s affecting your life.

There are many options when it comes to getting help for early ejaculation. Knowing when it’s time to reach out and who best can help is the first step in finding a treatment that truly works. Best of all, with all the options now available, men can feel more in control of their own treatment programs and, ultimately, of their success.