Why is Premature Ejaculation So Common?

Premature ejaculation has always been seen as one of the most common sexual performance issues facing men, but these days it seems to be everywhere you look. Whether a guy has

already had to deal with it in the past or he is experiencing it for the first time, a simple search reveals it is a topic people are talking about on every conceivable website. So what gives? Why is this condition so prevalent?

One of the biggest reasons for this surge in coverage is simply that more and more men are finally coming out of the shadows to openly discuss their experiences with sexual performance problems and to open up about how they handle it. Websites, online forums and groups set up on various social media platforms have given men the venue and the platform they have always wanted in order to seek out advice and help others.

At the same time, an increase in how easy it is to develop early or premature ejaculation is a natural byproduct of our hectic, fast paced lives. After all, the triggers for premature ejaculation read like a rundown of the average man’s normal day.

Increased Stress – Stress is responsible for keeping you sharp and on track, but too much of it can derail even the best laid plans. Pressure at work, promotions that advance a career and even Stress and Anxietylaunching a new business all pile on the stress. These days, people want to establish their career and make their mark earlier than ever and competition is fierce in almost every field so it’s no wonder that stress is becoming an even bigger contributor to sexual performance conditions.

• Anxiety and Worry – Anxiety is often directly related to stress and there’s no doubt that stress associated with work performance, relationship issues and other personal issues plays a huge role. But it is important to remember that stress which originates outside your own life is also powerful. These days, the news is often seen as little more than an exercise of anxiety inducing stories that increase anxiety about things people simply can’t change. But even world events can make people anxious and constant exposure to news via television, radio and social media is causing a spike in anxiety for many people.

• Poor Diet – With people focused on their careers and other things, it’s no wonder that convenience eating is on the rise. That usually means frozen meals people can microwave or more drive-thru lunches and dinners. While this helps people save time and energy, it pumps their bodies full of salt, fat and sugar. This kind of diet results in a host of physical problems including weight gain, higher blood pressure and, of course, sexual performance problems including erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.

• Couch Potato Evenings – When your days are harried and full of chaos, it’s so shocker that you want to just chill out in the evenings. But nights of binge watching streaming shows takes a toll Coach potatoin that you can easily become lethargic. This results in exacerbating health problems and making it more difficult for you to make better choices later.

With these triggers causing premature ejaculation more and more, it comes as no surprise that news about erectile health, sexual health concerns and premature ejaculation are increasingly common.So how can guys break the cycle without compromising their career goals or giving up everything they love? The solution is simple, if not completely easy. There are plenty of options for ways men can swap out unhealthy dinners for delicious and healthy alternatives, ride a bike or work out while watching their favorite shows and generally simply clean up their lives. These changes may sound simplistic, but the effects they have are anything but. So take the leap, learn about sex healthy diets, exercise routines and other changes and finally take control of your health and your sex life.