How Premature Ejaculation Can Actually HELP Your Relationship

If you were to ask most guys whether or not premature ejaculation could improve their relationship, they would most likely laugh right in your face. Let’s face it – there

isn’t much to be happy or positive about when it comes to this frustrating and common sexual performance problem.

But the truth is that premature ejaculation can act as a catalyst for positive change that truly does improve your relationship. But it isn’t the problem itself that makes it positive – it’s how you choose to handle it.

Get Critical About Your Lifestyle

Human nature dictates that we generally do whatever is easiest. Convenience plays a big role in how we eat, how we shop and even how we spend our free time. Many times, people get stuck into a groove where they do their shopping online, grab convenience foods to eat at home and spend a lot of time watching their favorite shows or playing video games.

While there is nothing wrong with indulging in some modern conveniences, this kind of technology-assisted lifestyle can soon lead to extra weight, reduced physical activity and a host of problems that come along with that pairing. Sexual performance drops pretty quickly when you’re not taking care of your body. For many men, the onset of premature ejaculation is what lights a fire under them to examine – and change – their current lifestyle.

Improve Your Sex Game

Improve your gameChanging techniques and trying new positions is another piece of common advice for men who find they are climaxing sooner than they would like. By approaching the issue in this proactive way, men not only find they can lessen the effects of premature ejaculation but that they also don’t have to give up entirely on sex while treating the condition.

At the same time they are actively showing their partner how good they are with adapting to changing needs and that her satisfaction is important to them. The efforts a man is willing to put forth in the bedroom – when his partner knows what he is dealing with – can easily make a couple’s bond even stronger. And, as a bonus, even when the problem is long gone, you’ll still have an entire suite of new moves that improves your overall performance.

Better Communication with Your Partner

Let’s get one thing clear right from the start – when you begin dealing with premature ejaculation, it won’t be long before your partner knows what’s going on whether you tell her or not. In fact, trying to dodge the subject can actually make things worse as your partner will be left to draw her own conclusions.
Instead of tip-toeing around the problem, address it head on by telling her exactly what you are going through. Your partner is bound to be supportive and relieved that it isn’t something she did. Discuss options like delay spray, new positions and different ways of being intimate in order to keep your sex life flourishing. Connecting with her on this level will deepen your relationship and makes it easier for her to come to you with sexual ideas and fantasies now and in the future.

Premature ejaculation is never something any guy wants to deal with. At the same time, it is hands down one of the most common forms of sexual dysfunction in the world. That’s why learning how to deal with it in a positive way is so important. Guys who try and hide the problem or just avoid sex until it passes are only setting themselves up for increased episodes brought on by the stress and anxiety that approach generates. Instead, turn this challenge into actions that bring you closer as a couple and improve your sexual techniques and overall performance. It’s the best way to turn a negative into a positive now and in the future.