Five Embarrassing Sexual Performance Issues and What You Can Do About Them

Problems with sexual performance can be especially frustrating since they aren’t something most people discuss out in the open and they are rarely the focus of mainstream media Embarrassedattention in magazines or on television shows. This problem with discussing them openly means many people don’t fully understand the problems and have no idea how to treat or prevent them. For men this can be especially difficult as few of them are comfortable seeking out help from medical professionals, which leaves them even more isolated. These five common problems affect millions of men worldwide and, in most cases, can be treated effectively at home.

Early Ejaculation

Sometimes also referred to as premature ejaculation, this is the most common sexual performance problem men face. Men from all over the world have to deal with early ejaculation and experts agree than it affects pretty much every man at least once during his lifetime. Dealing with early ejaculation on a chronic basis, however, can actually lead to some serious medical conditions including depression and anxiety. The condition may be common, but the treatment is often complex. Every case is different buy by and large experts agree that combining short-term treatments that offer immediate relief with long-term options for complete resolution is the best approach. Kick start the process by cutting out the three major contributors to the condition – diet, physical fitness and stress. Clean up your diet, increase your levels of physical activity and reduce stress wherever possible.

Delayed Ejaculation

On the other end of the spectrum is delayed ejaculation which happens when men simply cannot climax no matter how long they try. Ironically, this condition shares many of the same causes as early ejaculation including poor diet which inhibits blood flow to the penis, reducing sensation and pleasure. Stress is another big contributor as anxiety can make it more difficult for men to relax and enjoy the moment. Treatment options for delayed ejaculation include talking therapies and pharmaceutical options.

Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction, sometimes simply called impotence, is another common problem men face either every once in a while or on a chronic basis. Again, there can be many causes for this type of condition, but cardiovascular health plays a crucial role. The most well-known treatment for this condition is, of course, Viagra but other treatments include positive lifestyle changes like weight loss and increasing exercise.

Low Testosterone

Testosterone is a natural hormone both men and women produce, though it occurs in much higher levels for men. As men age, testosterone levels decline which can lead to a number of symptoms including fatigue and a loss of libido. Natural treatments to boost testosterone levels include high-intensity exercise routines and increasing both zinc intake and Vitamin D production. There are also clinics which offer hormone replacement therapy for men with verifiable lowered levels. In these cases, men will need to visit their clinic regularly and have their levels checked and monitored to ensure they don’t get too high.

Peyronie’s Disease

Peyrione’s Disease can either occur right from birth or it can happen over time. The result is a penis with a pronounced curve or bends and lumps as it becomes erect. In many cases, these physical characteristics are nothing to worry about and do not bother men or their sex partners but in more extreme cases, they can make erections painful. In many cases, the condition occurs after trauma to the penis which results in a build-up of scar tissue within the tissues of the penis. Penile traction devices can help to correct curves and for more pronounced cases, doctors can remove the excess scar tissue surgically.