Can Yoga Treat Premature Ejaculation?

Treating sexual performance problems can involve a number of different methods. Many times, men find that taking steps to improve their overall health also improves their sexual performance. This is especially true when it comes to activities or steps which address a man’s physical fitness and stress levels. Yoga has been used for centuries in order to address both of these issues, so could it be used to target premature ejaculation?

Yoga – It’s Not As New Age as You Think

yogaThe general perception of yoga is that it’s something very New Age. In fact, yoga has been around for centuries and dates back more than 5,000 years with origins in ancient India. The practice of yoga is twofold. First there are the various poses many people are at least casually familiar with. Second is the meditative aspect. These two parts of the practice come together to address both the physical and mental health.

Yoga practices in the West have been fairly popular since the early 1900s when it made its début in America. Yoga didn’t catch on with mainstream acceptance, though, until the 1960s which may explain why many people still associate it with hippies or fans of new age, holistic and alternative methods. Current research, however, suggests that there’s a strong scientific foundation to the benefits of yoga. The various poses, breathing techniques and meditation all provide tangible results in terms of improving circulation, flexibility, physical fitness and mental clarity.

Yoga Poses for Sexual Health

Since yoga has such a rich and long history, there are hundreds of poses people have used to treat a number of conditions. In the case of premature ejaculation and other sexual dysfunctions, some poses have proven to be more successful than others. However, yoga positions can be difficult to achieve, especially if you’ve never done anything like it before. The following poses should not be attempted without sufficient experience. Luckily, yoga has experienced a renewed popularity and it is now possible to find classes in most cities and instructional DVDs so that people can ease into the practice safely. The following three poses are considered to be fairly easy and so can be done by most people. They are also fairly common poses, found in many introductory courses and DVDs.

  • Bhujangasana – Begin by lying flat on your stomach with your legs straight and your heels touching. Place your hands on the mat at should length, as if you’re going to do a push up. Then take a deep breath and, as you exhale, push back but don’t lift your waist from the yoga mat. Stretch your upper body up and away from the mat, keeping your arms straight and locked in position.
  • Uttanapadasana – Start by laying face up on your yoga mat, with your hands by your side and your feet together. As you inhale, lift your legs and head at the same time until they are each at about a 30 degree angle from the floor. Hold this position for 5 seconds and then release, exhaling as you lower them to the floor. Inhale again and raise your legs and head 60 degrees. Cycle between the two ten times.
  • Kandharasana – Lying flat on your yoga mat, bend your knees until you can feel your heels on your butt. Grasping your ankles with your hands, raise your torso off the yoga mat as you inhale. This level of flexibility may take some time to achieve and many people begin by bending their knees as much as they can and keeping their arms and hands flat on the floor if they are unable to grasp their ankles.

Each of these poses helps to strengthen and relax the pelvis, which help to treat premature ejaculation and control orgasm. These poses may be difficult to achieve at first but the process should not be rushed. Poses in yoga are designed to be achieved slowly. Stretching is a vital part of the practice and this is where enrolling in a class or using structured DVD lessons can help to achieve the best results.

Treatment options for premature ejaculation are as varied as the men who have to deal with the condition. Yoga has proven itself to be an effective complimentary therapy for a number of conditions, including arthritis, anxiety, chronic back pain and even menopause. Research into its efficacy for premature ejaculation is a new field but many regular practitioners of yoga have provided anecdotal evidence. As far as treatment options for premature ejaculation go, yoga offers many of the same benefits as other traditional and well established treatments such as exercise, counselling and stress relief. As a result, yoga has become an effective option for many men.