
Premature Ejaculation – A Historical Perspective

They say to have a better future you must first understand the past. This is true in many cases and, for the medical community, looking to e past often inspired new understanding and treatment options for a variety of conditions. In the case of premature ejaculation, researchers have been delving into the history of this condition in order to develop new approaches for the future.

A Historical View of Premature ejaculation

Ejaculation in general s addressed in many mainstream religious texts. In the Bible, men are instructed to “Be fruitful, and multiply and replenish the earth” in reference to semen. When one man, Onan, disobeyed this law by not ejaculating in his wife, he was punished. In fact, today the word Onaninsm is defined as the act of interrupting sex to ejaculate elsewhere or simply masturbation. The Hindu religion, meanwhile, has Shiva, a god with the power to both destroy and create. Shiva is often depicted with an erect phallus and is shown to hold back his seed, or his power. In the Indian culture, semen is seen as being especially powerful. In one of their religious books called the Atharvaved it is said that it takes 1090 drops of blood to create even a single drop of semen.

So ejaculate has been seen as being powerful throughout history. As a result, it’s no wonder that problems with ejaculating can be emasculating to men, even if they don’t personally subscribe to these religions. It’s a perception that permeates cultures – even today.

The Kama Sutra, the Public and Sex

KamasutraThe Kama Sutra was written sometimes between the first and fourth centuries AD but remained relatively unknown until the mid-1960s when it was more widely published in the west. In truth, much of the Kama Sutra is a lifestyle guide for bachelors during that time in history. The first half of the book is filled with tips on freshening your breath, looking your best and essentially the earliest forms of ‘peacocking’. But it’s the second half that has always been so alluring to the public thanks to its incredibly frank and overly optimistic sex advice. While the positions is promotes may seem more like a dare than simple instruction, it does touch on various aspects of sexuality, including premature ejaculation. ““If a male be long-timed”, it says, “the female loves him the more, but if he be short timed, she is dissatisfied with him”.

So it’s clear that sexual performance and endurance have always been an important part of sexuality and masculinity. So what does this mean for men who have struggled with premature ejaculation throughout history?

While once seen as simply a personal failing, researchers have learned over the years that the condition can be triggered by a litany of issues ranging from nutrition and overall health to stress, anger and emotional distress. Sometimes there isn’t even an explanation for it – it simply happens. Evolutionary biologists point out that many mammals ejaculate quickly and that the condition may be a leftover of evolutionary design, albeit an unpleasant one.

As a result, a number of treatments have evolved over the centuries, many of which are still in use today and have become the basis of modern treatment plans for men struggling with the condition.

•    Sensate Focus – This method requires that men focus on sensations other than sex in order to prevent orgasm. It can be difficult to master but is meant to help redirect their attention and prevent them from becoming over stimulated.

•    Stop-Start – Just as it sounds, this technique is essentially just withdrawing and changing positions often during sex. Many men swear by this particular technique as it gives them a chance to take a break and regain control while also showing off their skill in terms of creativity with partners.

•    Squeeze – By withdrawing from sex and squeezing the head of the penis, men can prevent an early orgasm. This too can be difficult to master as men need to stop right before they are about to orgasm so timing can be an issue.

•    Numbing Creams – Topical creams that numb the skin have been in use for decades and with positive results. The drawback with this is that it lessens the pleasure for men as well.

•    Medication – In the past several years, doctors have begun using certain medications off-label, or for problems other than which the medications were originally designed, in order to treat premature ejaculation.

These treatments show the evolution of how early ejaculation has been approached in the past. Today, researchers are using them – and the history of the condition itself – to help men struggling in the 21st Century. Will the past contain the magic key to treating PE in the future? Only time will tell.


Understanding the Connection Between Body Modification and Premature Ejaculation

Living with premature ejaculation is a man’s worst nightmare; at least until he realizes surgical options may be available to help.

The idea of surgery on such an intimate and sensitive area is enough to make most men cringe. Despite these fears, an increasing number of men are considering (and going through with) Operatingsurgeries to help treat conditions such as premature ejaculation. Surgeries can also be completed or increase the size of their penis in attempt to boost their sexual performance and enjoyment. One surgery with increasing popularity is known as penile beading, or pearling, which is considered a type of body modification rather than a medical treatment.


During this procedure, small steel balls are deliberately placed under the skin of the penis to increase the size and change the texture of the skin. The end result makes it look as though a string of pearls is resting just beneath the skin on the penis.

Originating in Asian culture, this practice was initially used to indicate how long a man had been in prison. For each year completed, another pearl would be added. The more pearls a man had, the more respect he should be given under this system.

Fortunately, this stigma is no longer tied to the beading process. Now the procedure is being embraced by the western world as a means to increase sexual enjoyment through a simple body modification. It didn’t take long once word spread the practice had a pleasurable side effect! Not only can pearling increase satisfaction for the man and woman during sexual encounters, it also has a side effect many people did not expect—fewer problems with premature ejaculation.

Although it hasn’t been accepted as a traditional treatment for men suffering from premature ejaculation, many men that have undergone the procedure claim it prevents, or at least greatly reduces, the likelihood of experiencing premature ejaculation. This is thought to be a result of two things: The woman experiencing greater pleasure, more quickly during sex and by allowing the man to experience a different, but still very pleasurable feeling during sexual activities by delaying ejaculation.

Understanding the Risks

While pearling may sound like a fool-proof way to help men looking for help with sexual satisfaction, its important to evaluate the risks involved before decided to have the procedure done. As a form of body modification, a person who is licensed to give piercings is able to complete the procedure, which can be extremely painful and even time consuming in some cases. If done improperly, inserting the steel balls underneath the skin on the penis can cause nerve damage. The surgical site can also be subject to painful infections that can cause even more problem if not treated promptly. Problems urinating can also be experienced as a result of the procedure.

If the procedure is completed successfully and without complications, the healing process is known to be very uncomfortable. Additionally, if the balls need to be removed, the painful process of cutting the site open and removing the balls must be completed, starting the risk of complications over once again.

Making an Informed Decision

Before deciding to undergo pearling, it’s important to consider all the risks that may be involved in order to figure out if they are worth any potential benefit that may be experienced. There is no guaranteed way to know if the body modification will help with premature ejaculation problems or not. Yes, in many cases it does help, but there are also cases it does not help.

Reading about experiences other men have had may help you make your decision, as can discussion your options with your medical professional. If you do decide to go through with the procedure, carefully select the professional you use for the surgery in order to minimize the risk as well as increase the chances for successfully treating your problems. Discussing what you want to achieve from the procedure with the piercing specialist is also important so the placement of the beads can be correct for your unique needs.

Even if you’re sceptical about having the procedure done, penile beading may be able to help delay orgasm and increase sexual satisfaction for both partners if you take the time to consider your options and risk factors.